Here are 350+ Bible trivia questions to test your Bible trivia knowledge and challenge your own knowledge of the faith.
These Bible trivia questions with answers will put your knowledge to the test. And don’t worry: the answers to these Bible trivia questions are provided just in case you get stumped.
Some Q&A for the Holy Bible
Q1: Where was Jesus born?
Answer: Bethlehem
Q2: How many books are in the New Testament?
Answer: 27
Q3: Paul was shipwrecked on what island?
Answer: Malta
Q4: Who recognized Jesus as the Messiah when he was presented to the Temple as a baby?
Answer: Simeon
Q5: After Jesus fed the 5,000, how many baskets were left over?
Answer: 12
Q6: In the Gospel of Mark, how does the Virgin Mary learn of her pregnancy
Answer: From the angel Gabriel
Q7: Who is the high priest of Jerusalem that put Jesus on trial?
Answer: Caiaphas
Q8: According to the Gospel of Matthew, where does Jesus give his first public sermon?
Answer: On the mount
Q9: How does Judas notify the Roman Officials of Jesus’ identity?
Answer: Judas kisses Jesus
Q10: Which insect did John the Baptist eat in the desert?
Answer: Locusts
Q11: Who were the first apostles called to follow Jesus?
Answer: Peter & Andrew
Q12: After Jesus was arrested, which apostle disowned him three times?
Answer: Peter
Q13: Who wrote the book of Revelation?
Answer: John
Q14: Who asked Pilate for Jesus’ body after he was crucified?
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
Q15: What is the shortest book in the New Testament?
Answer: 2 John
Q16: Who worked as a tax collector prior to preaching the word of God?
Answer: Matthew
Q17: Paul says Christians should follow whose example? (Ephesians 5)
Answer: Christ’s example
Q18: What did Saul encounter when he was traveling to Damascus?
Answer: A great and blinding light
Q19: What tribe is Paul from?
Answer: Benjamin
Q20: What was Simon Peter’s profession prior to becoming an apostle?
Answer: Fisherman
Q21: In the Acts of the Apostles, who is Stephen?
Answer: The first Christian martyr
Q22: In 1 Corinthians, which is the greatest of the imperishable qualities?
Answer: Love
Q23: In the Gospel According to John, which apostle doubts Jesus’ resurrection until he sees Jesus with his own eyes?
Answer: Thomas
Q24: Which Gospel is mostly speaks on the mystery and identity of the person of Jesus?
Answer: The Gospel According to John
Q25: According to the Gospels, which literary genre does Jesus implement to help preach his message?
Answer: The parable
Q26: Which biblical narrative is connected to Palm Sunday?
Answer: Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem before his death
Q27: Which Gospel is written by a doctor?
Answer: Luke
Q28: Who baptizes Jesus?
Answer: John the Baptizer
Q29: Which group of people are righteous enough to inherit the Kingdom of God?
Answer: The Gentiles
Q30: What is the name of the village where Christ turned water into wine?
Answer: Cana of Galilee
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नया नियम | New Testament
Q31: How many people boarded Noah’s Ark?
Answer: Eight
Q32: How many days and nights did Jesus fast for?
Answer: 40 days & 40 nights
Q33: Which prophet is known for turning his rod into a bronze snake?
Answer: Moses
Q34: What is the Holy Trinity?
Answer: Father, Son, & the Holy Spirit
Q35: What did Joshua command to stay still?
Answer: Moon & Sun
Q36: How many days did it take God to create the heavens and the earth?
Answer: Seven
Q37: What did God use the rib of Adam to do?
Answer: Create Eve
Q38: What did the serpent tempt Eve to do in the Garden of Eden?
Answer: Eat the fruit from the trees that God forbid them to eat
Q39: Who were Adam & Eve’s first children?
Answer: Cain & Abel
Q40: What did God divide when He created Earth?
Answer: The light from the darkness
Q41: Who is Abraham’s wife?
Answer: Sarah
Q42: How many books are in the Bible?
Answer: 66
Q43: How many books are in the Old Testament?
Answer: 39
Q44: Where did God send Moses to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt?
Answer: Pharaoh
Q45: How did God appear to Moses in the book of Exodus?
Answer: Through a burning bush on the mountain of God
Q46: How many plagues are in Exodus?
Answer: Ten
Q47: What are the ten plagues in order from Exodus?
Answer: blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children.
Q48: Why did God send the ten plagues?
Answer: Pharaoh refused to set the Israelites free
Q49: Who did Moses drown by closing the Red Sea?
Answer: The Egyptians
Q50: What is the first commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “You shall have no other gods before me”
Q51: What is the second commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image”; Thou shall not make idols
Q52: What is the third commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain”
Q53: What is the fourth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.”
Q53: What is the fifth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Honor thy mother and father”
Q54: What is the sixth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Thou shalt not kill”
Q55: What is the seventh commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Thou shalt not commit adultery”
Q56: What is the eighth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Thou shalt not steal”
Q57: What is the ninth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”
Q58: What is the tenth commandment out of the Ten Commandments?
Answer: “Thou shalt not covet”
Q59: What did God create on the first day?
Answer: Light
Q60: What did God create on the second day?
Answer: Atmosphere/Firmament
Q61: What did God create third day?
Answer: Dry ground/Plants
Q62: What did God create on the fourth day?
Answer: The sun, moon, and stars
Q63: What did God create on the fifth day?
Answer: Birds/Sea animals
Q64: What did God create on the sixth day?
Answer: Land animals/Humans
Q65: What did God create on the seventh day?
Answer: Nothing, He rested
Q66: Who wore clothing made of camel hair?
Answer: John the Baptist
Q67: What is the river where John the Baptist did most of his baptizing?
Answer: Jordan River
Q68: What is the longest chapter of the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 119
Q69: How many Bible books did both Moses and the apostle John write?
Answer: Five
Q70: Who cried after hearing a rooster crow?
Answer: Peter
Q71: What is the last book of the Old Testament?
Answer: Malachi
Q72: Who is the first murderer in the Bible?
Answer: Cain
Q73: What was the final wound to the dead body of Jesus on the cross?
Answer: His side was pierced
Q74: What was Jesus’ crown made of?
Answer: Thorns
Q75: Which place is called “Zion” and “the city of David”?
Answer: Jerusalem
Q76: What is the town in Galilee that Jesus grew up in?
Answer: Nazareth
Q77: Who took Judas Iscariot’s place as an apostle?
Answer: Matthias
Q78: All who look to the Son and believe in him will have what?
Answer: Eternal life
Q79: Which book is the Gospel of the second chance?
Answer: Jonah
Q80: What is the area of Palestine where the tribe of Judah lived after the exile?
Answer: Judea
Q81: Who is the Savior?
Answer: Jesus Christ
Q82: What is the last book in the New Testament?
Answer: Revelation
Q83: On which day did Jesus rise from the dead?
Answer: The third day
Q84: Which men came from the East to worship Jesus after he was born?
Answer: The Magi
Q85: Which group was the ruling council of the Jews who plotted to kill Jesus?
Answer: The Sanhedrin
Q86: The Bible has how many divisions and sections?
Answer: Eight
Q87: Which prophet was called by the Lord as a boy and anointed Saul as Israel’s first king?
Answer: Samuel
Q88: What is a violation of God’s law called?
Answer: Sin
Q89: Which two rivers border Eden in modern day Iraq?
Answer: Tigress and Euphrates
Q90: Which apostle walked on water?
Answer: Peter
Q91: When was the Trinity revealed?
Answer: At Jesus’ baptism
Q92: At which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Mount Sinai
Q93: Who is the mother of all living?
Answer: Eve
Q94: What did Pilate ask Jesus when he was arrested?
Answer: Are you the King of the Jews?
Q95: Where is the birthplace of Paul, also known as Saul? This is now located in modern day Turkey.
Answer: Tarsus
Q96: What is the name of a person who is called by God to speak for Him?
Answer: A prophet
Q97: How do we give thanks in memory of Jesus?
Answer: The Lord’s Supper
Q98: God’s forgiveness provides what to all people?
Answer: Salvation
Q99: In which town did Jesus drive an evil spirit out of a man who called him the Holy One of God?
Answer: Capernaum
Q100: In which town did Jesus meet the woman at Jacob’s well?
Answer: Sychar
Q101: What do you drink from to have eternal life?
Answer: Living Water
Q102: Crafted by Aaron, the Israelites worshipped what idol while Moses was away?
Answer: The Golden Calf
Q103: What was the first town where Jesus began his ministry and was rejected?
Answer: Nazareth
Q104: Who cut off the ear of the high priest?
Answer: Peter
Q105: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
Answer: “Jesus wept.”
Q106: At what age did Jesus start his ministry?
Answer: 30
Q107: What miracle did Jesus perform on the Sabbath?
Answer: Healing the man who was born blind
Q108: How many books did Paul write?
Answer: 13
Q109: King Herod promised what to his daughter on his birthday?
Answer: John the Baptist’s head
Q110: What Roman Governor presided over Judea during the trial of Jesus?
Answer: Pontius Pilate
Q111: In 2 Kings 7, who sacked the Syrian camp?
Answer: Lepers
Q112: In 2 Kings 8, how long is the famine that Elisha prophesizes?
Answer: 7 Years
Q113: How is Jezebel killed?
Answer: She is thrown from a window.
Q114: How many sons did Ahab have in Samaria?
Answer: 70
Q115: How many blemishes was a sacrificial beast allowed to have?
Answer: Zero
Q116: If a person sinned ignorantly at the time of Moses, what happened to them?
Answer: They had to sacrifice something
Q117: How many years did Sarah live?
Answer: 127
Q118: Who does God tell Abraham to sacrifice to prove his loyalty to Him?
Answer: Isaac
Q119: What is the name of the well that Abraham and Abimelach quarrel over?
Answer: Beersheba
Q120: In the Song of Songs, how much is the bride’s dowry?
Answer: 1,000 silver pieces
Q121: In 2 Sam 14, how did the wise woman disguise herself?
Answer: As a mourner
Q122: Who is David’s chief counselor?
Answer: Ahithopheo
Q123: Who warned Paul of the plot against him?
Answer: His nephew
Q124: Who was the governor that heard the council’s case against Paul?
Answer: Felix
Q125: What did Felix feel when Paul told him of Christ?
Answer: Fear
Q126: How many days after birth is circumcision performed according to the Laws of Moses?
Answer: Eight
Q127: Who must we become like in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Answer: Children
Q128: According to Paul who is the Head of the church?
Answer: Christ
Q129: Who was the King that crowned Esther the queen?
Answer: Ahasarus
Q130: To create the plague of frogs, who stretched his rod over the waters of Egypt?
Answer: Aaron
Q131: What is the second book of the Bible?
Answer: Exodus
Q132: Which city mentioned in Revelation is also an American city?
Answer: Philadelphia
Q133: Who did God say would worship at the feet of the angel of the Church of Philadelphia?
Answer: The false Jews of the synagogue of Satan
Q134: What happened when the crew threw Jonah overboard?
Answer: The storm calmed
Q135: Where was the book of 2 Timothy written?
Answer: Rome
Q136: Who said “The time of my departure is at hand”?
Answer: Paul
Q137: What animal is slain for the feast of Passover?
Answer: The lamb
Q138: Which plague of Egypt fell from the sky?
Answer: Hail
Q139: What was Moses’ sister’s name?
Answer: Miriam
Q140: How many children did King Rehoboam have?
Answer: 88
Q141: Who was King Solomon’s mother?
Answer: Bathsheba
Q142: Who was Samuel’s father?
Answer: Elkanah
Q143: Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Answer: John
Q144: Was John the Baptist a disciple?
Answer: No
Q145: How many Gospels are in the New Testament?
Answer: Four
Q146: What are the four Gospels in the New Testament?
Answer: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John
Q147: Who is the book of Acts add
Q148: Who is the book of Acts addressing?
Answer: The churches
Q149: How many horses appear in the book of Revelation?
Answer: Four
Q150: What color are the four horses in the book of Revelation?
Answer: White, Red, Dark, & Pale
Q151: Who did Peter raise from the dead in the city of Joppa?
Answer: Dorcas
Q152: Which disciple was crucified upside-down?
Answer: Peter
Q153: What two men in the Bible never died?
Answer: Elijah & Enoch
Q154: Who is the oldest man in the Bible?
Answer: Methuslah
Q155: Who is Methuslah’s father?
Answer: Enoch
Q156: How long did the Israelites wander through the wilderness?
Answer: 40 years
Q157: How many times did Noah send out a dove from the Ark?
Answer: Three times
Q158: What did the dove bring back that let Noah know that the water was receding?
Answer: A freshly plucked olive leaf
Q159: Who was pregnant at the same time as Mary?
Answer: Elizabeth
Q160: Who said “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
Answer: Cain
Q161: What was the name of the forbidden tree Adam and Eve ate from?
Answer: The Tree of Life
Q162: What is the longest book in the Bible?
Answer: Psalms
Q163: How many Wise Men came to see Jesus when he was born?
Answer: Three
Q164: What were the gifts the Wise Men brought when they went to visit Jesus?
Answer: Gold, Frankincense, & Myrrh
Q165: What did God use to create Adam in the book of Genesis?
Answer: Dust
Q166: In the Old Testament, which prophet foretold of Jesus’ birth?
Answer: Micah
Q167: Who were the three men that were thrown into the fiery furnace?
Answer: Shadrach, Mishach, & Abednego
Q168: Which of the 12 apostles did not have his feet washed by Jesus?
Answer: Trick question, they all had their feet washed
Q169: What book of the Bible contains the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Exodus
Q170: Why did King Solomon threaten to cut a baby in half?
Answer: Two women were fighting over a child, each one claiming it was theirs, he offered to cut the baby in half and give each woman a half
Q171: How did King Solomon know which woman was the real mother?
Answer: She told him to give the other woman the baby
Q172: Who was the first hunter mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Nimrod
Q173: Who was the only female judge mentioned in the Bible?
Answer: Deborah
Q174: Which woman washed Jesus’ feet?
Answer: Mary Magdalene
Q175: What language is the New Testament originally written in?
Answer: Greek
Q176: What does “Christ” mean?
Answer: Anointed
Q177: What religion did Jesus Christ practice?
Answer: Judaism
Q178: In the book of Genesis, why did the Lord decide to destroy mankind in a
Answer: They had become wicked and had evil in their hearts
Q179: How many pairs of each “clean” animal did Noah take on the ark?
Answer: Seven pairs
Q180: How old was Noah when the flood began?
Answer: 600 years old
Q181: Where did the ark come to rest after the flood?
Answer: The mountains of Ararat
Q182: What was the covenant God made with Noah and his sons?
Answer: To never again send a flood to destroy the Earth
Q183: What was the sign of God’s covenant with Noah and his sons?
Answer: A rainbow
Q184: How old was Noah when he died?
Answer: 950
Q185: Jesus continues to be with us through what?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
Q186: How does Christ communicate his Holy Spirit to us today?
Answer: Through the sacraments
Q187: How many sacraments are there?
Answer: Seven
Q188: How many Beatitudes are there?
Answer: Eleven
Q189: Where did Jesus Christ preach the Beatitudes?
Answer: The Mount of Beatitudes
Q190: How many loaves and fishes did Jesus Christ feed the 5,000 with?
Answer: Five loaves and two fishes
Q191: “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” What Psalm does this Bible verse come from?
Answer: Psalm 23
Q192: What is the first verse of the Bible?
Answer: “In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth.”
Q193: Complete this Bible verse: “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of…”
Answer: Egypt
Q194: This Bible verse is from which Psalm? “Blessed is the man that walkith not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standith in the way of sinners, nor sittith in the seat of the scornful,”
Answer: Psalm 1
Q195: What does K.J.V. stand for?
Answer: King James Version
Q196: What is the name of the river baby Moses floated down to escape?
Answer: The Nile
Q197: What is the devil’s angel name?
Answer: Lucifer
Q198: Who did King David have an affair with and then kill her husband?
Answer: Bathsheba
Q199: Who did the Jews set free that led to Jesus’ Crucifixion?
Answer: Barabas
Q200: What did Jesus mean when he said to his disciples, “Do this in remembrance of me,”?
Answer: Communion
Q201: What were the crimes of the two men who were crucified with Jesus?
Answer: They were thieves
Q202: What is another term for the Via Dolorosa?
Answer: The way of suffering
Q203: How many days did it take for Jesus Christ to arrive after Lazarus’ death?
Answer: Four
Q204: What were Lazarus’ sister’s names?
Answer: Mary & Martha
Q205: Who was Jesus weeping over in the verse “Jesus wept”?
Answer: Lazarus
Q206: Finish the phrase, “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”
Answer: “I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.”
Q207: What did the devil offer Jesus if he bowed down and worshipped him?
Answer: All the kingdoms of the world and their splendor
Q208: What was Jesus’ profession?
Answer: Carpenter
Q209: What did Jesus turn into wine?
Answer: Water
Q210: Who demanded John the Baptist’s head on a platter?
Answer: Herodias
Q211: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed be the meek…”
Answer: “…for they shall inherit the earth.”
Q212: With what did Samson kill 1,000 Philistines?
Answer: The jaw of a donkey
Q213: Where did David spare Saul’s life the first time?
Answer: In a cave
Q214: Where did David spare Saul’s life the second time?
Answer: In the camp where Saul was sleeping
Q215: How did Saul die?
Answer: He fell on his own sword
Q216: How many kings of Judah were there?
Answer: 20
Q217: How many kings of Israel were there?
Answer: 19
Q218: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed be the poor in spirit…”
Answer: “…for they will inherit the kingdom of heaven.”
Q219: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed are they that mourn…”
Answer: “…for they shall be comforted.”
Q220: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness…”
Answer: “…for they shall be filled.”
Q221: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed are the merciful…”
Answer: “…for they shall obtain mercy.”
Q222: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart…”
Answer: “…for they shall see God.”
Q223: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed are the peacemakers…”
Answer: “…for they shall be called the children of God.”
Q224: Finish the Beatitude: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because they are good…”
Answer: “…for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.”
Q225: Who is the comforter?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
Q226: How many works of the flesh are there?
Answer: 17
Q227: How many fruits of the Spirit are there?
Answer: 9
Q228: What are the fruits of the Spirit?
Answer: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance
Q229: Who was thrown into the lion’s den by Darius
Answer: Daniel
Q230: What does the Lord anoint my head with?
Answer: Oil
Q231: After Jesus’ crucifixion, who took his body down from the cross?
Answer: Joseph of Arimathea
Q232: What did Judas receive for betraying Jesus?
Answer: 50 pieces of silver
Q233: After his resurrection, to whom did Jesus appear first?
Answer: Mary Magdalene
Q234: Who was the doubting disciple?
Answer: Thomas
Q235: How many people were at the Last Supper?
Answer: 13
Q236: What are we saved by?
Answer: God’s grace
Q237: In Ephesians, what does Paul say we should not let the sun go down upon?
Answer: Anger
Q238: In Philippians, what does Paul say we should think upon?
Answer: Things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good, virtue, and praise.
Q239: Finish this phrase: “I can do all things through Christ…”
Answer: “…who strengthens me.”
Q240: Finish this phrase: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man…”
Answer: “…avails much.”
Q241: Finish the phrase: “It is appointed to man once to die, after that…”
Answer: “…the judgement.”
Q242: Finish the phrase: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for…”
Answer: “…the evidence of things not seen.”
Q243: When Samuel picked David as king, God reminded us that while people look at the outward appearance, what does God look at?
Answer: The heart (Samuel 16:7)
Q244: Finish the phrase: After Jesus was baptized, God said, “This is my son whom I…”
Answer: “…love.”
Q245: Who was the first person to come upon the injured man in the parable of the Good Samaritan?
Answer: The priest
Q246: Which New Testament book has Jesus’ sermon on the Mount?
Answer: Matthew
Q247: How many times does the Bible mention the word “snow”?
Answer: 24
Q248: What did King Solomon ask God to give him?
Answer: Wisdom
Q249: What location does Jesus say to light a lamp for all to see?
Answer: On a stand
Q250: What piece of clothing made Joseph’s brothers jealous?
Answer: A coat
Q251: How many days was Jonah in the belly of the big fish?
Answer: three days & three nights
Q252: How much of his wealth did Zacchaeus give to the poor?
Answer: Half of it
Q253: What will be the outcome of honoring your father and your mother?
Answer: You will live long in the land
Q254: In Luke, the woman cleans Jesus’ feet with what two things?
Answer: Her tears and her hair
Q255: In which book of the Bible is this verse found: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Answer: Proverbs
Q256: In Revelation, Jesus says: “Do not be afraid, I am the _____ and the ______ .”
Answer: First & Last
Q257: Complete the verse: “The _____ ______ of the wise are more to be heeded than the shouts of a ruler of fools.”
Answer: Quiet words
Q258: Where in the New Testament does it talk about the perseverance of Job?
Answer: James
Q259: What is the name commonly given to the first five books of the Old Testament?
Answer: The Pentateuch
Q260: What does the word Pentateuch mean?
Answer: “five books” or “five scrolls”
Q261: What are the names of the twins that wrestled in their mother’s womb?
Answer: Jacob & Esau
Q262: When Jesus died, what three things happened?
Answer: Earthquake, veil in the temple torn, tombs broke open
Q263: Noah sent two birds from the ark, what were they?
Answer: A dove & a raven
Q264: Out of the two birds Noah sent from the ark, which did he send first?
Answer: The raven
Q265: How was Ruth related to Naomi?
Answer: Ruth was Naomi’s daughter-in-law
Q266: At what age did Moses die?
Answer: 120
Q267: What is “the sting of death”?
Answer: Sin
Q268: Who was Caesar when Jesus was born?
Answer: Augustus
Q269: Who was asked to name all animals?
Answer: Adam
Q270: Whose father tied him up and put him on the altar as a sacrifice until Jehovah provided a sheep?
Answer: Isaac
Q271: Who is the wife of Jacob?
Answer: Rachel
Q272: Which Midianite woman married Moses?
Answer: Zipporah
Q273: What girl was offered as a sacrifice by her father?
Answer: Jephthah’s daughter
Q274: Which Egyptian wife caused Joseph to be thrown into prison?
Answer: The wife of Potiphar
Q275: In the book of Daniel, the beast is described as being as swift as what animal?
Answer: Leopard
Q276: Jesus is often referred to as being what animal?
Answer: Lamb
Q277: What kind of animals were the Israelites commanded to bring to God as sacrifice?
Answer: First born animals
Q278: How many years were the Israelites in captivity when Ezekiel received his Vision of Jerusalem?
Answer: Six years
Q279: What was the one thing Elijah left behind when God took him to heaven?
Answer: His cloak
Q280: What is described as an “unruly evil full of deadly poison”?
Answer: The tongue
Q: 281“We are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day,” wrote Paul, referring to what?
Answer: The apostles
Q282: How does faith come?
Answer: By hearing the word of God
Q283: What wife of Nabal later became David’s wife?
Answer: Abigail
Q284: Noah was tenth in line from which man?
Answer: Adam
Q285: Which mischievous woman tricked Samson into revealing the secret of his strength?
Answer: Deliilah
Q286: After the start of his trials, Job calls down evil upon which day?
Answer: His birthday
Q287: When Jesus cast out demons, they entered into which animals, causing them to go off a cliff?
Answer: Swine
Q288: Which number of commandment is honor thy father and mother?
Answer: Fifth
Q289: Who said: “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”
Answer: Moses
Q290: What prophet fled to Tarshish when he got caught up in a storm?
Answer: Jonah
Q291: Who was Jesse’s grandson and was the richest and most powerful kind in Israel’s history?
Answer: Solomon
Q292: Which prophet was fed by ravens?
Answer: Elijah
Q293: Who was the king to which the Lord said, “Let my people go”?
Answer: Pharaoh
Q294: Who goes to Sunday School?
Answer: Children
Q295: What do children learn at Sunday School?
Answer: They learn about the Word of God
Q296: How do first become children of God?
Answer: Through Salvation
Q297: What is a Bible Bowl?
Answer: A national competition where children grades 3-12 are quizzed on their knowledge of scripture
Q298: Who started Sunday School?
Answer: Robert Raikes & Thomas Stock
Q299: What will we receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon us?
Answer: Power
Q300: What is the gift that is given to all of us (Acts)?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
Q301: What is the last word in the Bible?
Answer: Amen
Q302: Who wrote the book of Hebrews?
Answer: It is believed to be Paul
Q303: What does “Mara” mean?
Answer: “Bitter”
Q304: Who inspired the people to write the Bible?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
Q305: Who is called our Father of Faith?
Answer: Abraham
Q306: Where do we read the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Answer: 1 Corinthians 12:8-11
Q307: Why did the man who had to be lowered through the roof want to be healed?
Answer: He was paralyzed
Q308: Who is the patron saint for lost items?
Answer: St. Anthony
Q309: What is another name for reconciliation?
Answer: Confession
Q310: How many disciples are there?
Answer: 12
Q311: What happened to Lots wife when she looked back at the city of Sodom?
Answer: She turned into a pillar of salt
Q312: Out of the mouth of which animal did a coin appear in the book of Matthew?
Answer: Fish
Q313: As the Israelites were marching, which animal approached them and had a discussion?
Answer: A donkey
Q314: How did Ehud lose his knife?
Answer: He stuck it into the King’s fat and the fat consumed it
Q315: Which animal were men mauled by when they insulted Elisha?
Answer: Bears
Q316: Men were mauled by bears when they insulted Elisha for what?
Answer: Being bald
Q317: How did the Holy Spirit descend onto the apostles during Pentecost?
Answer: In a flaming fire
Q318: What is Pentecost?
Answer: When the Holy Spirit descended onto the apostles in flaming fire to give them the gifts to courageously proclaim the good news of Jesus
Q319: What is the sacrament in which we first become children of God?
Answer: Baptism
Q320: Who was the boy who killed a giant?
Answer: David
Q321: What does “Eve” mean?
Answer: Mother of all living
Q322: Why is Easter celebrated?
Answer: It is the day of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection
Q323: Which Queen visited King Solomon because she had heard of his fame?
Answer: The Queen of Sheba
Q324: True or False, the word “Easter” appears in the Old Testament?
Answer: False
Q325: The Easter sunrise service, a distinctive Protestant observance in North America, comes from what Biblical event?
Answer: A reenactment of Mary Magdalene’s visit to Jesus’ tomb on the morning of his Resurrection
Q326: Who is the man that wanted to kill baby Jesus?
Answer: King Herod
Q327: How many books of poetry are in the Old Testament?
Answer: Five
Q328: Ten men with what condition were healed by Jesus?
Answer: Leoprasy
Q329: In the book of Genesis, God did what to Adam and Eve when he found that they had sinned?
Answer: He expelled them
Q330: What was the animal Satan appeared as to Eve in the book of Genesis?
Answer: Serpent
Q331: Which book tells of seven seals and seven trumpets?
Answer: Revelation
Q332: What does “Epistle” mean?
Answer: Letter
Q333: Jesus said what is the greatest display of love?
Answer: That a man would lay down his life for a friend
Q334: Which prophet had to lay on his left side for six months?
Answer: Ezekiel
Q335: What was the name of the demon who possessed the man in the tomb?
Answer: Legion
Q336: What happened to Joseph when he refused to commit sin with his master’s wife?
Answer: He was put in jail
Q337: What is it called to have an unusual happening that goes against the laws of nature?
Answer: Miracles
Q338: In the book of Job, dinosaurs are called what?
Answer: Behemoths
Q339: Which Pharisee had a private meeting with Jesus at night?
Answer: Nicodemus
Q340: Which chapter of Hebrews tells of great heroes of faith?
Answer: Hebrews 11
Q341: Which book tells of Paul’s conversion?
Q342: Isaiah lived in which city?
Q343: Which country was Ahab the king of?
Q345: Finish this phrase: We are not saved by our own works, we are saved by ____ ?
Q346: David used what to kill Goliath?
Answer: A sling and a stone
Q347: What is the bread and wine Jesus served the disciples at the Last Supper?
Answer: Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity of Jesus Christ
Q348: Why is Easter considered the most important Christian celebration?
Answer: The Resurrection means that God’s promise to save His people (Salvation) is fulfilled.
Q349: Even though he promised Jesus he would die for him, what did Peter do when Jesus was arrested?
Answer: He denied that he knew Jesus three times.
Q350: Who was the first murder victim?
Q351: Where did the term “the kiss of death” come from?
Answer: The signal that Judas used to betray Jesus (he kissed Jesus on the cheek).
If you have any question then share with us.